Our team uses the latest Building Information Modeling (BIM) system in our work.
BIM is a complete digital information model - visualization of a building or structure project.
With its help, it is possible to view all possible qualitative and quantitative parameters at the stages of building design, construction, and operation.
Our specialists design BIM components and "smart objects" as part of the project, resulting in the team obtaining a semantically advanced building model (levels 3D, 4D, 5D).
and most importantly - the easiest and most effective way to convey information to all involved parties. To work with the current project model, a single server is used, and with the help of unified digital spaces with a shared data environment like BIM 360 or SAREX, all decisions are instantly agreed upon, and differences regarding various aspects are brought to an agreement.
convenient and quick integration of structural solutions, including all sections of engineering communications, as well as planning designs and object design;
accelerate the project development process and improve its quality;
сreating a work schedule;
determining the scope of work and estimate. All required resources and capacities, materials, and the most optimal equipment are carefully calculated in the system;
reduce financial costs;
lower financial costs;
use model development when building project schedules and assessing their cost;
The BIM system allows:
и главное - наиболее легким и эффективным способом передавать информацию всем задействованным сторонам. Для работы
с актуальной моделью проекта используется единый сервер, а с помощью единых цифровых пространств со средой общих данных как BIM 360 или СОД SAREX,
все решения согласовываются моментально,
а разногласия по различным аспектам улаживаются.
As a result of using BIM, it is possible
to achieve more efficient conditions
for implementing various stages of design
and construction, thus ensuring lean construction and a significant reduction
in time and minimizing errors
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